Saturday, February 5, 2022


 February 5th, 2022

I am Orpheus. No, that is not my real name. Why not? True names give you power over people! Or, at least, that’s what I’ve believed for quite a while now.
This blog is going to be an archive of my research into a specific hell. There are multiple, yes, as those reading this blog must be quite aware of by this point (according to my conversation with that bunny twink), but the one I am biased towards is similar to, you could say, Dante’s interpretation in The Divine Comedy.
Picture this:
9 layers, 7 princes. (Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, ???, Envy, ???, ???, ???, ???)
A connection to “liminal spaces” and Urbex (Need to do further research on this. Weird.)
Soul altering properties are rampant. (I think?)

..All of these might be wrong. If they are? Well, shit! I’d be back to square one.
Doubt they are, though. I’m smart :)
Now that the baseline exposition and formalities are out of the way, I’m going to start note ranting.

Gluttony. 3rd Layer (?)
Prince: Beelzebub
Form Taken: Bugs (Insects, Arachnids)

Before the previously mentioned Bunny (...was cute, should call over again), I had an encounter with a “half demon” named Harmonia (apparently her given name, interesting taste in myths from the mother.)
She gave me some insight I found rather interesting!

Abaddon (Prince of Sloth, apparently, who is missing in MY Hell) is APPARENTLY the one ending the world. Interesting. Maybe that’s connected to the disappearance?
Confirmation names give people power over demons. Good choice using an alias, me! (Even though I’m not a demon. I think.)
She mentioned a demon named “Thrall” and said he’s a moth. That, along with whatever words she whispered, confirmed my suspicions that he, a gluttony demon (if what I’ve been told is true [it probably is]), is from MY hell, which definitely piqued my interest

“Has (Thrall) mentioned a ‘Beelzebub’ ever?”
No, interesting. Might be lying to me. Or she’s just painfully uninformed.

“Craving for blood and souls?”
Yes. More confirmation.

“He’s buglike?”
Yes. More confirmation.

“Black and Red? Ability to melt into shadows?”
Yes, yes. Nail in the coffin. Exactly what I remember seeing. Confirmed glutton.

She, apparently, got her soul from this demon (Split in two. Interesting. What effect might it’ve had on him?) leading to a craving for souls. 2 consumed. Remind me (whoever sees this) to check back on that later.
She mentioned that this demon (Thrall) had told her about 3 layers of hell, Limbo, Lust, and Gluttony
The existence of Lust doesn’t surprise me, but confirmation of Its existence is definitely helpful!
Edited list of layers at the beginning of this post.
Something interesting that definitely piqued my interest was that she said “...he couldn’t go or else he wouldn’t be able to return.” (in reference to a question asked about layers below the 3 he mentioned) which confirmed the order I’ve placed them in thus far but brought up more questions about potential consequences for exploration from outside sources! Worrying. A bit exciting, too.

This was all I was able to get out of her, but it definitely and I mean D E F I N I T E L Y helped me.
Lot more happened that day (Feburary 4th, 2021) and the day after (See date of writing), including an encounter with an Angel (A FUCKING ANGEL DUDE HAHHAHA), but nothing that added to the subject of this specific post.
If you (the readers) end up wanting it, I could write up an excess knowledge post?
Not on the angel, though. My lips are sealed.

Anyway, 1 and a half pages later, I’ll stop here. Leave comments about the blog and any ideas for improving the general layout and shit.

I’ll sign off now. This has been Orpheus! Remember:
Don’t look behind you.

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